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Khomyakov Denis Khomyakov Denis

Denis is an experienced professional in the field of finance and management. In addition to his role in the Company, he also served as a board member of several organizations, including the Association of Microfinance Institutions in Kyrgyzstan and OXUS Afghanistan.

Previous work experience includes positions in the consulting and banking sector, including ProCredit banking group, where he held senior positions in credit management and internal control.

He graduated from the American University in Kyrgyzstan in the field of business administration, as well as a master's degree from Universitaet Trier. Received additional training in Luxembourg at the ATTF House of Training on risk management and at the ProCredit Academy.


Liventsev Vladislav
Financial Director / Deputy General Director

Vladislav has extensive experience in the field of consulting and finance, from work in international companies to private entrepreneurship. He began his career as a trainee in the credit department of a bank and quickly progressed to more responsible roles as a senior auditor at Deloitte & Touche.

Received a bachelor's degree in business administration from the American University of Central Asia. Specializations include auditing, financial analysis, business development consulting and portfolio management.


Dosonov Ravshanbek
Head of Risk Management Department

Ravshanbek began his career at the Community Development and Investment Agency (ARIS) as a financial manager and then moved to the First Microcredit Company, where he held the positions of financial controller and risk manager.

He continued his professional path in our Company, where he worked in finance and currently heads the risk management department.

His skills and experience in risk management and finance make him a highly qualified specialist in his field.

He received a bachelor's degree in accounting and auditing from the Jalal-Abad Commercial Institute, and also received an MBA degree in business administration from the Academy of Management under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.